60 OL-30824-01
Configure Security
Security > VPN
A Virtua l Private Network (VP N) is a co nnection between two end points in diff erent
networks that a llows p rivate d ata to be sent secu rely over pu blic networks or ot her
private networks. This is accomplished by creating a "V PN tunnel ." A VPN t unnel
connects the two PCs or networks and allows data to be transmitted over the
Internet as if it were on a private network. The V PN tu nnel uses I Psec to enc rypt the
data sent between the two endpoints and encap sulat e the data within a norm al
Ethernet/I P frame allowing the da ta to pa ss between net works s ecurely and
A VPN provides a cost-effect ive and more secure alternative t o using a private,
dedicat ed, lea sed line for a priva te network. U sing indus try standa rd encryptio n and
authentic ation techniqu es, an IP sec VPN creates a secure c onnection t hat operates as
if you were directly connect ed t o your lo cal priva te network .
For exa mple, a VPN allows users to sit a t home a nd connect to his/her emp loyer's
corpora te network and receive an IP a ddress in their priv ate netw ork just as though
they were sit ting in their office co nnected to their c orporate LAN .
Select the V PN tab to op en the Securit y V PN page.
Use this page t o configure the V PN for you r resident ial gateway.