OL-30824-01 97
Frequently As ked Questions
Q. How Do I Configure TCP/IP P rot oc ol?
A. To co nfigure TCP/IP protocol , you need to have an Et hernet Net work I nterface
Card (NIC) with TC P/IP communica tions protoco l installed on your syst em.
TCP/IP is a com munications p rotocol used to ac cess the I nternet. T his sectio n
conta ins instruc tions f or configuring TCP /IP on your Internet devices to operate
with the res idential gatewa y in Microsoft Windows or Macintos h environments .
TCP/IP protocol in a Microsoft Windows environment is different for ea ch
operating system. Follow the a ppropriate instruct ions in this sect ion for your
operating s ystem.
Configuring TC P/ IP on Window s 2000 Sy stems
1 Click Star t, select Settings, and choose Network and Dial-up Connections.
2 Double-click t he Local Area Connection icon in the Net work and Dial-up
Connecti ons windo w.
3 Click Proper ties in the Lo cal Area Connec tion St atus window.
4 Click Internet Pr otocol (TCP/IP) in the Local Are a Connectio n Prop erties
window, a nd then clic k Properties.
5 Select bot h Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address
automatically in the Internet Protocol (TCP/I P) Properties window, and then
click OK.
6 Click Ye s to resta rt your compu ter when the Local Netwo rk window op ens. The
computer restarts. The TCP/IP protocol is now configured on y our PC , and you r
Ethernet d evices are ready f or use.
7 Try to a ccess t he Internet. If you cannot access t he Internet, co ntact you r service
provider for further a ssista nce.
Configuring TC P/ IP on Window s XP Sy s tems
1 Click Star t, and dep ending on you r Start menu s etup, choose one of the
following options :
If you a re using the Windows XP Defau lt Start Menu, selec t Connect to,
choose Show all connections, and then go to step 2.
If you are using the Windows XP Classic Start Menu, select Settings, choose
Network Connections, click Local Area Connection, and then go to st ep 3.
2 Double-click t he Local Are a Conne ction i con in the LAN or High-Sp eed Internet
sectio n of the Network Connections window .
3 Click Proper ties in the Lo cal Area Connec tion St atus window.
4 Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), a nd then click Properties in the L ocal A rea
Connecti on Properties window.