22 OL-30824-01
Where Is the Best Location for My DOCSIS Residenti al Gateway?
Where Is the Best Location for My DO CS IS Residential Gateway?
The ideal location for your res idential gatewa y is where it has a ccess to ou tlets and
other devic es. Think about the layout of your home or office, and consult with your
service p rovider to select t he best location for you r residential g ateway. Read this
user guide t horoughly bef ore you decide where to place your resident ial gatewa y.
Consider these recommenda tions:
Choose a location c lose to you r compu ter if you will als o use the resident ial
gateway f or high-speed I nternet service.
Choose a location tha t is near an exis ting RF coax ial connection to elimina te the
need for an additio nal RF coaxial outlet.
Choose a location f or the residential gateway tha t is adja cent to your telephone
equipment if you are using only one o r two pieces of telephone equipment.
Note: If you are using t he residential ga teway to provide service to several
telephones, a profes sional inst aller can connect the residential gat eway to your
exist ing home telephone wiri ng. To minimize changes to the home telephone
wiring, you ma y want to locate the residential gateway near an existing
telephone out let.
Choose a location t hat is relat ively protected from accidental disturbance or
harm, su ch as a closet, basement, or other protected a rea.
Choose a location s o that there is plenty of room to guide t he cables away f rom
the mod em without straining or crimping t hem.
Airflow around the residential ga teway shou ld not be restricted .
Read this user guid e thoroughly befo re installing the residentia l gatewa y.