50 OL-30824-01
Configure Wireless Setting s
Section Field Description
Access Restriction
Allows you t o perm it or b lock comp uters from accessi ng the wire less
network. The choice that you make here affects the addresses listed on
this pag e. Ch oose one of the following opt ions:

Block computers listed below from accessing the wireless network.

Select this option to deny Internet access to the MAC addresses of
the devices you list in the table. All other MAC addresses will be
allowed Internet access.

Permit computers listed below access to the wireless network.

Select this option to a llow Interne t access onl y to the MAC
addresses of the devices you list in the table. Any MAC addresses
not listed in the table will be denied Internet access
MAC Add ress
Filter List
MAC Addre ss Filter List
The MAC Address Fi lter List displays users whose wireless access you
want to contr ol. Click Wireless Client List to display a list of network
users b y MAC address. From the To Sort by drop-down menu, you can
sort the table by IP Address, MAC Address, Status, Interface, or Clie nt
Name. To view the most up-to-date information, click the Refresh
Wireless > Advanced Settings
Your adva nced wireless set tings add anot her layer of securit y to the wireless
network for you r residentia l ga teway. This p age is us ed to set u p the adv anced
wireless functions. Only an expert administrator should adjust these settings.
Incorrect set tings can reduce wireless performa nce.
Select the A dvanced Settings tab to open the Wireless Adva nced Settings page.
Use this page to co nfigure t he following opt ions:
N Transmission Rate
CTS Protection Mode
Beaco n Interval
DTM Int erval
Fragment atio n Threshold
RTS Thres hold