Parameter Name Description Type
version the number of times this VM
has been recovered - if a user
wishes to over write a new VM
with an older version, then they
must call vm-recover
read only
user-version string for creators of VMs
and templates to put version
is-a-template False unless this is a template;
template VMs can never be
started, they are used only for
cloning other VMs
is-control-domain True if this is a control domain
(domain 0 or a driver domain)
read only
power-state current power state read only
start delay the delay to wait before a call to
start up the VM returns
shutdown-delay the delay to wait before a call to
shutdown the VM returns
memory-dynamic-max dynamic maximum in bytes read/write
memory-dynamic-min dynamic minimum in bytes read/write
memory-static-max statically-set (absolute)
maximum in bytes.
If you want to change this value,
the VM must be shut down.
memory-static-min statically-set (absolute)
minimum in bytes. If you want
to change this value, the VM
must be shut down.
suspend-VDI-uuid the VDI that a suspend image is
stored on
read only