Create a new VBD on a VM.
Appropriate values for the device field are listed in the parameter
If the type is Disk,
If the type is CD,
vbd-destroy uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Destroy the specified VBD.
If the VBD has its
vbd-eject uuid=<uuid_of_vbd>
Remove the media from the drive represented by a VBD. This command only works if the media is of a removable type (a physical CD or an ISO); otherwise an error message VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA is returned.
vbd-insert uuid=<uuid_of_vbd> vdi-uuid=<uuid_of_vdi_containing_media>
Insert new media into the drive represented by a VBD. This command only works if the media is of a removable type (a physical CD or an ISO); otherwise an error message VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA is returned.
Attempt to attach the VBD while the VM is in the running state.
Attempts to detach the VBD from the VM while it is in the running state.
VDI Commands
Commands for working with VDIs (Virtual Disk Images).
A VDI is a software object that represents the contents of the virtual disk seen by a VM, as opposed to the VBD, which is a connector object that ties a VM to the VDI. The VDI has the information on the physical attributes of the virtual disk (which type of SR, whether the disk is shareable, whether the media is read/write or read only, and so on), while the VBD has the attributes which tie the VDI to the VM (is it bootable, its read/write metrics, and so on).