Clarity Visual Systems
Keystone, top wider
To fix this, loosen nuts S1 and S3 in equal amounts to make the top smaller. This will lower the image on the mirror, shortening the distance to the screen for the top, thus making it smaller. The whole image will be lowered, but you can fix this later with the lens adjustment.
Keystone, bottom wider
Screen fram e
Im age
To fix this, tighten nuts S1 and S3 equal amounts to make the top larger. This will also raise the image, so you will have to use the lens adjustment later to lower it.
Keystone, left side wider
To fix this, loosen the lock down nuts, LD1 and LD2. Then loosen N1 or tighten N2. Retighten LD1 and LD2.
Keystone, right side wider
Loosen the lock down nuts, LD1 and LD2. Then tighten N1 or loosen N2. Retighten LD1 and LD2.
Rotation, clockwise
Loosen S3 and S4, or tighten S1 and S2, equal amounts to rotate the left side of the image down.
Rotation, counterclockwise
Tighten S3 and S4, or loosen S1 and S2, equal amounts to rotate the left side up.
18September 1999