Setting Up The Switch
Basic Setup
This section will help prepare the Switch user by describing the Switch Information, IP Setup, Remote Management Setup, Configure Ports, Serial Port Settings and Switch Settings menus.
Figure 6-12. Main Menu – Switch Information
Switch Information
Highlight Switch Information from the Main Menu and press Enter:
Figure 6-13. Switch Information screen
The Switch Information shows the operation mode of switch (Layer 3 or Layer external modules are installed, and the switch’s MAC Address (assigned by unchangeable). In addition, the Boot PROM and Firmware Version numbers information is helpful to keep track of PROM and Firmware updates and to obtain address for entry into another network device’s address table – if necessary.
2), which (if any) the factory and are shown. This the switch’s MAC
You can also enter the name of the System, its location, and the name and telephone number of the System Administrator. It is recommended that the person responsible for the maintenance of the network system that this Layer 3 switch is installed on be listed here.