Region | Choose the country area that the Vigor3300 located for using |
| VoIP feature. Or, select User Defined for proprietary settings. |
Caller ID Type | If User Defined is selected in the Region field, users can select |
| one of the supported values. If a country is selected, this field |
| will display ID type value automatically. |
Dial tone | A tone means the phone line is ready to make a call. |
Ringing tone | A tone means the call is ringing. |
Busy tone | A tone means the phone line is busy. |
Congestion tone | A tone means the network is busy. |
Low Frequency (Hz) | Type the low frequency number in Hertz. |
High Frequency (Hz) | Type the high frequency number in Hertz. |
TOn1 (10msec) | Type the duration of the first ring. |
TOff1 (10msec) | Type the silence duration after the first ring. |
TOn2 (10msec) | Type the duration of the next continuous ring. |
TOff2 (10msec) | Type the silence duration after the next continuous ring. |
118 | Vigor3300 Series User’s Guide |