Chapter 7 SETUP mode
The SETUP mode of the VF160EX offers the “Changing the initial settings” menus, which configure the operating
environment of the VF160EX, a “Check” menu that enables you to check the number of events for each track, and an
“Execution” menu that executes certain operations, such as save and load and disk formatting. The “Changing the
initial settings” menu include 21 parameters as shown in <Table-1> below. These parameters were set before the
VF160EX was shipped from the factory and these values are called the “initial settings.” Modifying these settings allows
you to change the operating environment of the VF160EX. The “Check” menu provides two parameters “Checking the
number of events” as shown in <Table-2> - “Checking the number of events” and “Checking the current drive
Also, as shown in <Table-3>, the “Execution” menus include five items: Title Edit, Delete PGM, Load PGM, Save PGM,
and Disk Format, which you can execute by selecting the corresponding SETUP menu. This chapter explains how to use
the “Changing the initial settings” menus shown in <Table-1> and the “Check” menu shown in <Table-2>.
For more information on the “Execution” menus, refer to the corresponding pages in the “Reference page” column in
<Table-3> “Execution” menu
Execution item Display Refer page Community
Editing a program title Title Edit 71 -
Deleting a program Delete 71 -
Saving song data to an external device Load PGM 106 -
Loading song data from an external device Save PGM 106 -
Formatting an current drive disk Disk Format 23 -
<Table-2> “Check” menu
Check item Display Refer page Community
Check of the event number on the track Number Of Event 143 -
Check of the current drive information Drive Information 144 -
<Table-1> “Changing the initial settings” menu
Parameters Display Default setting Refer page Community
Setting a time signature Signature Set 001BAR 4/4 133
Setting a tempo Tempo Set 001BAR 1 120 135
Setting the metronome function Click Off 136
Setting a preroll time Preroll Time 00s 137
Setting MIDI sync output signal Midi Sync Out CLK 137
Setting an MTC frame rate Frame Rate 25 frame 138
Setting an MTC offset value Mtc Offset 00h 59m 57s 00f 00sf 138
Setting the offset mode Offset Mode ABS 139
Setting the slave mode Slave Mode Off 139
Setting the slave type Slave Type Vari 140
Setting the record protect function Rec Protect Off 140
Setting digital input Digital In Analog 141
Setting digital output Digital Out SPDIF 142
Setting BAR/BEAT resolution mode Resolution Off 142
Setting the MIDI device ID number Device ID 00 143
Setting the fader fix mode Fader Fix Off 145
Setting the fader recall mode Fader Recall Off 145
Setting the pair fader Pair Fader Set Off 146
Setting the phantom power Phantom Power Off 147
Setting the compressor channel Comp. Channel Off 148
: Modes applicable program by program. They can be saved/loaded.
: Modes applicable to all program. They cannot be saved/loaded.
•The above “Default setting” is the figure immediately after formatting the
current drive.