Virtual Key Codes Table
Symbolic Constant | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Touch Screen or Keyboard Equivalent |
Name | Value | Value |
VK_LSHIFT | 160 | A0 |
VK_RSHIFT | 161 | A1 |
VK_LCONTROL | 162 | A2 |
VK_RCONTROL | 163 | A3 |
VK_LMENU | 164 | A4 |
VK_RMENU | 165 | A5 |
Command Line Arguments
/restart | Forces ScanWedge to process its configuration file (Scanwedge.exm) again, which applies |
| changes immediately. If the SoundConnect (see page |
/quit | ascending connect sound is played on restart. |
Shuts down ScanWedge. |
5 - 26 | Rev A | Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide |
| 8/6/08 |