Key | Description | Default | Available Values |
| Value |
MaskPassword | Determines if password entries on | 1 | 0=Disabled; passwords are not |
| dialog boxes should be masked. |
| masked. |
| 1=Enabled; passwords are |
| masked. |
TodayScreenSessionT | When the device is left in suspend | 0 | 0=Disabled; the terminal does |
imeout | mode, this key specifies the number |
| not return to the Today screen |
| of hours that need to pass before |
| while in suspend mode. |
| the device returns to the Today |
| X=Number of hours. |
| screen. |
MenuEntries Subsections
The MenuEntries section determines which programs appear on the application window.
The MenuEntries section is locked, which means that you cannot change its Name or Description; however, its child sections are not locked and can have any name and description.
Each child section is a program that launches from the application window and must be at the same level underneath the MenuEntries section. The order of child sections from top to bottom determines the order that the programs appear on the application window.
Child Section Keys
The keys in the child sections are locked, which means only their Values can be changed.
Key | Description | Required | Available Values |
Name | Name to display on the window. The | Required | |
| name appears under the icon (if there |
| is an icon). |
Description | Description to display on the window | Required | |
| in Detail view. |
10 - 4 | Rev A | Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide |
| 8/6/08 |