Attention light on control panel 42 authorized dealers, locating 260 authorized resellers and support 37 auto continue feature

description 80 setting 54


B4 (JIS) paper specifications 25

B5 paper specifications 25

backlight on control panel, turning on and off 53 bidirectional communication

description 81 interface features 16

setting between printer and host 64 binding edge, choosing 48

bins capacities 16

comparison by model 18 order of removal 112

black page 211 blank page 212 blown fuse 189 BOOTP, setting 56 buffer

clearing 58 overflow 197 setting for I/O 55

C cables

order of removal 112

cables, part and product numbers 260, 261 Canadian DOC regulations 32

Cancel Job key on control panel 43 capacity

bins and trays 16 pages per minute 16 paper in 250-sheet feeder 25 paper in 500-sheet feeder 26 paper in Tray 1 25

paper in Tray 2 25 card stock

guidelines for using 31 specifications 31

carriage return, appending to linefeed 52 cartridges

warranty 36

cartridges. See toner cartridges cassette setting for Tray 1 48 casters

order of removal 112 CD-ROM, HP support assistant 37 character voids 213

charging roller 85

charging the photosensitive drum 85 circuits

dc controller PCS 73 high-voltage power supply 74 low-voltage power supply 72

cleaning accessories 66 paper path 67 photosensitive drum 84 printer 66 separation pad 66 spilled toner 67


cleaning page printing 50 using 67

clearable warnings description 80

setting time displayed 54 clearing

data from memory 63 event log 62

I/O buffer 58 messages 43 NVRAM 63


250-sheet feeder 249

500-sheet feeder 249 complete list 237 duplexer 250 paper path 228 printer 249

compact disc, HP support assistant 37 component locations 227 conditioning the photosensitive drum 85 Configuration menu on control panel 53 configuration page

printing 47, 205

using to troubleshoot 205 using to verify options 206 configuration page, JP Jetdirect 225

connectivity features 16 connectors

250-sheet feeder 245

500-sheet feeder 246

500-sheet feeder, power, removing and replacing 181 accessory interface, removing and replacing 158 duplexer 245

printer 244

testing direct parallel 225 context-sensitive and dynamic switching 81 control panel

changing settings 45 defaults 44 description of process 81 keys 42, 43

layout 42 lights 42

lock status 206 password 206

removing and replacing 117 setting language 44 settings 44

using 42

control panel menu map printing 47

using to troubleshoot 204 viewing current settings 204

control panel menus Configuration 53 cycling through 43 EIO 56

exiting 43 I/O 55 Information 47 opening 45 Paper Handling 48 Print Quality 50 Printing 51 printing map 45 Private/Stored Jobs 46 Resets 58


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HP 5100LE manual Index