UsrNenu Clear

Programming Codes SCPI: NONE

Analyzer: NONE

See A l s o (E), (PRIOR), Usl-Key Gleu , UsrMenu Clear

UsrKey Clear

Function Group SYSTEM

Menu Map 8

Description This softkey lets you recall the user defined menu and remove a single softkey that appears in that menu.

1.Select UsrKey clear. The user defined menu appears in the softkey label area. The active entry area displays:

->Press USER Soft Key to Clear

2.Select the softkey you wish to remove from the menu. The active entry area turns off and the softkey is removed from the user defined menu. The user defined menu remains in the softkey label area.

Programming Codes SCPI: SYSTem:KEY:CLEar <n> where, n = a number from 1 to 12. Analyzer: NONE

See AIs0 (ZX%?$i), USER DEFINED (K), UsrMenu clear

UsrMenu Clear

Function Group SYSTEM

Menu Map 8

HP 8360

Operating and Programming Reference U-5

User’s Handbook