analogous to those for frequency sweep. Power sweep is allowed to be negative, unlike frequency sweeps. “RST value is 0 dBm.

PULM:EXTernal:DELay <num>[time suffix] IMAXimumlMINimum

PULM:EXTernal:DELay? [MAXimumIMINimum]

Sets and queries the value of pulse delay from the time the external pulse signal arrives to when the video pulse is generated. The minimum value is 225 ns. After *RST the value is MINimum.



Selects the polarity of the external pulse signal. NORMal causes the positive-going edge of the signalto trigger the internal pulse generator and to turn on the RF. After *RST the value is NORMal.

PULM:INTernal:FREQuency Cnum>[freq suffix]lMAXimumlMINimum

PULM:INTernal:FREQuency? [MAXimumIMINimum

Sets and queries the frequency of the internal pulse generator.

The *RST value is 500 kHz.



Sets and queries the state of the internal pulse generator’s gating control. When ON, and the pulse trigger source is internal, the external pulse input is used to gate the pulse generator. When pulse trigger source is external, this switch is ignored and no gating is possible. After *RST, the setting is 0.

PULM:INTernal:PERiod <num>[time suffix] IMAXimumlMINimum

PULM:INTernal:PERiod? (MAXimumlMINimum]

Sets and queries the period of the internal pulse generator.

The *RST value is 2 pus.

PULM:INTernal:TRIGger:SOURce INTernallEXTernal

PULM:INTernal:TRIGger:SOURce? [MAXimumlMINimum]

Sets and queries the setting of the internal pulse generator’s trigger source. When INTernal, pulse period and frequency determine the repetition rate of the pulse train. When in EXTernal, the repetition rate is set by the EXT PULSE in jack. After *RST, the value is INTernal.

PULM:INTernal:WIDTH <num>(time suffix]lMAXimum(MINimum

PULM:INTernal:WIDTH? [MAXimumJMINimum]

Sets and queries the width of the internal pulse generator. The *RST value is 1 ps.

S-46 Operating and Programming Reference

HP 8360



Page 344
Image 344
HP 8360 manual RST value is 500 kHz