Inputs & Outputs RFoutput
Nominal output inpedance 50 ohms (precision 35 mm male on 20 and 26.5 GHz models, 24mmmaleon4Oand5OGHzmodek,fnmtpaneL)
Used for negative external defector or power meter kveling. Nominal input impedance IO0 kohms, damage kvel
Pulse xnput/output
AM Input
Nominal input impedance 50 ohms (internally switchable to 2 kohms), damage level
FM Input
Nominal input impedance 50 ohms (internally switchable to 600 ohms), damage level
nigga InPt
Activated on a TIL rising edge. Used to externally initiate an analog swep or to advance to the next point in step or list mode. Damage level +5.5,
nigger output
Outputs a
10 MHZ Refmee Input
Accepts 10 MHz* 100 Hz, 0 to + 10 dRm reference signal for operation from external time base Nominal input impedance 50 ohms. Damage level + 10,
10 MHz Reference Output
Nominal signal level 0 d&n, nominal output impedance 50 ohms. @NC female, rear panel)
sweep output
Supplies a voltage prop&onal to the sweep ranging from 0 volts at start of swap to +1Ovoltsatendofswep,ngardlessofsweepwidthInCWmode,v&ageispmportional
to percentage of full instrument &equency range. Minimum load impedance 3 kohms.
stop SW laplltlolltput
Sweep will stop when gmunded extemally.
Supplispaithenxta@arpulsc (approximately +5volts into2kohms)duringtheretrace
VoWGHz Output
Supplies voltage pmpodod to output htzqmcy at 05 volts/GHz (internally switchable to 0.25 or 1 volt/GHz) Maximum output 18 volts Minimum load impedaw 2 kohms Acatraq *05%,
Rovides bias, flatness correction, and lewcling comwtions to IIP
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*’ | : |
| HP 8360 |
| User’s | Handbook |