Pm E&r Range

Pwr Mtr RangeFunction Group IALC)

Menu Map 1

Description This softkey lets you specify a range of operation

(from +20 to -60 dBm) for an external power meter, when a power meter is used to level power externally. The factory preset value is

0 dBm. The value specified for Pwr Mtr Range directly affects the power level range for power meter leveling points. When this feature is active, its current value is displayed in the active entry area.

Programming Codes

See Also

SCPI: POWer:RANGe <num>[power suffix]~MAXimum~MINimum

Analyzer: NONE

L e v e l i n g P o i n t PwrMts

“Optimizing Synthesizer Performance,” in Chapter 1.

HP 8360

Operating and Programming Reference P-23

User’s Handbook