OUTPut:EXTernal[1]:FEED <source >

<source > = "TRIGger[:STARtSEQuence[1]]"

Outputs a trigger signal to the "Ext 1" BNC port each time a convert pulse is sent to the A/D converter.

<source > = "SENSe[12]:ROSCillator"

The significant edge of a TTL signal is the falling edge. Therefore, the output goes low with the falling edge of an external reference signal, and goes low with the rising edge of reference sources ECLTrg<n > and CLK10.

<source > = "SENSe:SWEep:OFFSet:POINts"

The normally high output port goes low after the pre-arm reading count has been reached.

Chapter 3

Understanding the HP E1429 Digitizer 127

Page 127
Image 127
HP E1429A manual OUTPutEXTernal1FEED source