C Compilers Used The C Language programs were compiled (and tested) using the following compilers:

Microsoft® QuickC© Version 2.0

Borland Turbo C++© Version 1.0

Compiling and Linking To run a C program, you must compile and link the program to make an the Programs executable file. To compile and link a program:

Be sure the necessary paths have been added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for the compilers to find the library and header files (see the appropriate C Language manual to set the proper paths).

Link the appropriate HP-IB C library (located on the HP-IB Command Library disk that came with the HP-IB Interface Card). Use the following libraries:

Microsoft® QuickC©: clhpib.lib

Turbo C++©: tchhpib.lib

If NOT compiling in the Large/Huge memory model, include the

cfunc.h” header file (located on the HP-IB Command Library disk) in the program.

Command Line Compiling

To compile and link the programs from the DOS command line using the

Large memory model, execute the following from the directory containing

qcl” or “ tcc” .

Microsoft® QuickC©:

qcl /AL <path \program name > <path \clhpib.lib >

e.g. qcl /AL b:\input.c c:\qc2\lib\clhpib.lib

Turbo C++©:

tcc -ml <path \program name > <path \tchhpib.lib > e.g. tcc -ml b:\input.c c:\tc\lib\tchhpib.lib

Change the “/AL” and “ -ml” parameters to the app ropriate types when compiling in the smaller memory models (see your C language manual for the parameter type). For some programs executed under the Microsoft® QuickC© environment, if may be necessary to change the stack size using the /F option of the ’qcl’ command.

Chapter 1

Getting Started 31

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Image 31
HP E1429A manual Microsoft QuickC clhpib.lib, Command Line Compiling, ∙ Microsoft QuickC, ∙ Turbo C++