
The CONFigure command configures the HP E1429 to do the measurement specified by the parameters given with CONFigure. All instrument settings will be forced to their *RST values, with the following exceptions. In particular, note that all OUTPut signals are turned off and their FEED’s are changed to reset values, and that both the local bus (VINStrument:LBUS) and VME bus (VINS:VME) are turned off. Be aware that these new states will still be in effect after the CONFigure command is complete. See Appendix B, Table B-2 for a complete list of the reset settings for the HP E1429. The following states are set up after the reset, and thus in most cases, will not be the *RST value for that command:

a.SENSe<n>:FUNCtion is set to "VOLTage[:DC] <port>"

b.SENSe<n>:VOLTage:DC:RANGe is set to the value implied by the expected value given.

c.INPut[<port>]:FILTer is set to ON.

d.SENSe:SWEep:POINts and TRIGger:STARt:COUNt are set to the <size> parameter.

Related commands: SENSe:FUNCtion, SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe, SENSe:SWEep:POINts, SENSe:ROSCillator:SOURce, TRIGger:STARt subsystem, ARM:STARt subsystem.

*RST Condition: none

Example Measuring 1.5 V on the differential input of channel 1

CONF:ARRay:VOLT (20),1.5,(@3)

Set up to take 20 readings of 1.5 Volts peak


on port 3 of channel 1.


Start the measurement


Get channel 1 readings

CONFigure[<chan>] Subsystem

Command Reference 215

Page 215
Image 215
HP E1429A manual CONFARRayVOLT 20,1.5,@3