Output Formats

ASCII (9 significant digits) or REAL 64 (IEEE 64-bit binary) formats represent input voltage in volts, scaled appropriately according to voltage range setting used.

PACKED denotes 2’s complement binary integers, with the raw A/D code (including sign) occupying the leftmost 12 bits of a 16-bit word, padded with four zero bits on the right.

Any of the above formats can be returned under the Word Serial protocol. The Packed format is also the format returned by direct VME register read operations and transmitted onto the Local Bus.

Gain and Offset (4.3.1, note 1057-1)

nominal gain : 2000 codes per volt

nominal offset : zero


2-pole Bessel (10 MHz nominal) or none. For no filter, the analog bandwidth depends on the input port used (see below).

Effective Bits (4.5.2; 4.1.3) sampling at 20 MSa/s

Input signal 500 kHz : 10.0 (10.3 typical) 10 MHz : 9.5 ( 9.8 typical)

Harmonic Distortion (

Sample rate 20 MSa/s

-64 dB THD at 500 kHz input -61 dB THD at 10 MHz input

(THD includes 2nd through 6th harmonics)

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (4.5.1)

62 dB (500 kHz)

59 dB (10 MHz)

("Noise" includes noise, distortion, and all other undesired effects, as defined in IEEE 1057.)

320 Specifications

Appendix A

Page 320
Image 320
HP E1429A manual Output Formats, Gain and Offset 4.3.1, note, Filtering, Effective Bits 4.5.2 4.1.3 sampling at 20 MSa/s