
MINimum and MAXimum are not allowed with this command.

Optional parameters that are left blank are filled from left to right. Therefore, it may be necessary to use the syntax DEFault to note that a particular parameter has been defaulted. For example, to default the number of readings and specify a sample rate, the command would appear as:

CAL:ZERO DEF, .05, one

CALibration:ZERO forces the internal reference (20 MHz) oscillator to be used. Sample rates are attained using that reference.

The default number of readings is 1000, and the default period is 1.0E-4 seconds. These numbers were chosen such that the product of the two is a period that is an integral multiple of both 50 Hz and 60 Hz line cycles

(0.1 seconds in this case).

The product of the period and number of readings will be checked to see if it exceeds 10 seconds, and if so, error -221;"Settings conflict; Calibration time too long" occurs.

The default <mode> is ONE, which calibrates using the current settings of SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe and SENSe:FUNCtion. Specifying <mode> ALL will do a zero calibration on all voltage range settings for both of the ports on the specified channel.

Related commands: CALibration:GAIN, CALibration:VALue, CALibration:SECure:STATe

*RST Condition: none

Example Performing a zero calibration


Disable security, assuming factory-set


security code


Calibrate channel 1 using default sample


rate and number of points, calibrate all gain


ranges on both ports.

CALibration[<chan>] Subsystem

Command Reference 211

Page 211
Image 211