Watermark Details
Click Edit, and the Watermark Details dialog box appears.
Figure 4-8 Watermark Details dialog box
The dialog box shows a preview image and provides options for creating a new watermark and controlling the message angle and font attributes.
Click OK to accept all of the changes that are made in the Watermark Details dialog box. However, clicking Cancel does not cancel all of the changes. If you make changes to a watermark and then select a different watermark or click New, all of the changes are saved, and only the current, unsaved changes can be canceled.
Current Watermarks
The Current Watermarks group box contains a list of available watermarks, both predefined watermarks that are available in the driver and any new watermarks that you have created.
To create a new watermark, click New. The new watermark appears in the Current Watermarks list and in the Watermark Message edit box as "Untitled" until you type a new name in the Watermark Message edit box. The new name then appears in the Current Watermarks group box, in the Watermark Details dialog box, and in the Watermarks group box on the Effects tab.
To delete a watermark, select the watermark in the Current Watermarks list and click Delete. At the warning that appears, click Cancel to keep the watermark, or click OK to delete it.
NOTE: When you reach the limit of 30 watermarks in the Current Watermarks list at one time, the New button is disabled.
To edit an existing watermark, select the watermark in the Current Watermarks list. If you change the Watermark Message for that watermark, you are, in effect, creating a new watermark.
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