set ip ethernet A rip-receive { off v1 v2 v1-compat v2-MD5 }
Specifies whether the Motorola Netopia® Gateway should use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) broadcasts to update its routing tables with information received from other routers on your network.
If you specify
Additional subnets
See “DHCP Settings” on page 198 for subnet range configuration commands.
set ip ethernet A subnet [ 2 ... 8 ] option [ on off ]
Enables or disables additional LAN subnets. Up to seven additional subnets may be config- ured.
set ip ethernet A subnet n address ip_address
Specifies an IP address for the subnet n, when subnet n option is on.
set ip ethernet A subnet n netmask netmask
Specifies the subnet mask for the subnet n, when subnet n option is on.
Default IP Gateway Settings
set ip gateway option { on off }
Specifies whether the Motorola Netopia® Gateway should send packets to a default Gate- way if it does not know how to reach the destination host.
set ip gateway interface { ip-address ppp-vccn }
Specifies how the Motorola Netopia® Gateway should route information to the default Gateway. If you select