CONFIG Commands
Security Settings
Security settings include the Firewall, Packet Filtering, Stateful Inspection, and IPSec parameters. Some of the security functionality is keyed.
Firewall Settings (for BreakWater Firewall)
set security firewall option [ ClearSailing SilentRunning LANdLocked ]
BreakWater Basic Firewall. BreakWater delivers an easily selectable set of
BreakWater Basic Firewall’s three settings are:
ClearSailing, BreakWater's default setting, supports both inbound and outbound traffic. It is the only basic firewall setting that fully interoperates with all other Motorola Neto- pia® software features.
Using this level of firewall protection allows transmission of outbound traffic on
The third option available turns off all inbound and outbound traffic, isolating the LAN and disabling all WAN traffic.
BreakWater Basic Firewall operates independent of the NAT functionality on the Gateway.