About CONFIG Commands
set ip ethernet A
Guidelines: CONFIG Commands
The following table provides guidelines for entering and formatting CONFIG commands.
Command | Rules for entering CONFIG commands | |
component | ||
| ||
| |
Command verbs | CONFIG commands must start with a command verb (set, view, delete). | |
| You can truncate CONFIG verbs to three characters (set, vie, del). | |
| CONFIG verbs are | |
Keywords | Keywords are | |
| “ethernet” as a keyword without changing its meaning. | |
| Keywords can be abbreviated to the length that they are differentiated from | |
| other keywords. | |
Argument Text | Text strings can be as many as 64 characters long, unless otherwise speci- | |
| fied. In some cases they may be as long as 255 bytes. | |
| Special characters are represented using backslash notation. | |
| Text strings may be enclosed in double (“) or single (‘) quote marks. If the | |
| text string includes an embedded space, it must be enclosed in quotes. | |
| Special characters are represented using backslash notation. | |
Numbers | Enter numbers as integers, or in hexadecimal, where so noted. | |
IP addresses | Enter IP addresses in dotted decimal notation (0 to 255). | |
If a command is ambiguous or miskeyed, the CLI prompts you to enter additional informa- tion. For example, you must specify which virtual circuit you are configuring when you are setting up a Motorola Netopia® Gateway.
Displaying Current Gateway Settings
You can use the view command to display the current CONFIG settings for your Motorola Netopia® Gateway. If you enter the view command at the top level of the CONFIG hierar- chy, the CLI displays the settings for all enabled functions. If you enter the view command at an intermediate node, you see settings for that node and its subnodes.
Step Mode: A CLI Configuration Technique
The Motorola Netopia® Gateway command line interface includes a step mode to auto- mate the process of entering configuration settings. When you use the CONFIG step mode, the command line interface prompts you for all required and optional information. You can