About CONFIG Commands
show ppp [{ stats lcp ipcp }]
Displays information about open PPP links. You can display a subset of the PPP statistics by including an optional stats, lcp, or ipcp argument for the show ppp command.
start ppp vccn
Opens a PPP link on the specified virtual circuit.
About CONFIG Commands
You reach the configuration mode of the command line interface by typing configure (or any truncation of configure, such as con or config) at the CLI SHELL prompt.
CONFIG Mode Prompt
When you are in CONFIG mode, the CLI prompt consists of the name of the Motorola Neto- pia® Gateway followed by your current node in the hierarchy and two right angle brackets (>>). For example, when you enter CONFIG mode (by typing config at the SHELL prompt), the
Some CLI commands are not available until certain conditions are met. For example, you must enable IP for an interface before you can enter IP settings for that interface.
Navigating the CONFIG Hierarchy
•Moving from CONFIG to SHELL — You can navigate from anywhere in the CONFIG hierarchy back to the SHELL level by entering quit at the CONFIG prompt and pressing
•Moving from top to a subnode — You can navigate from the top node to a subnode by entering the node name (or the significant letters of the node name) at the CONFIG