CONFIG Commands
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] sip-registrar-setting sip-expires-time [ 0 - 65535 ]
Specifies the SIP registration server
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] sip-out-proxy-server
[server_name ip_address ]
Specifies the SIP outbound proxy server for the specified phone by fully qualified server name or IP address.
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] sip-user-display-name name
Specifies the user name that is displayed on the web UI Home page, or other
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] sip-user-name username
Specifies the user name that authenticates the user to SIP for the specified phone.
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] sip-user-password password
Specifies the password that authenticates the user to SIP for the specified phone.
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] auth-id string
Specifies the authorization ID that authenticates the user to SIP for the specified phone. Most SIP Servers expect this to be the username itself but some may use
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] codec G711A priority [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 none ]
Assigns a priority to the alaw codec, the common analog voice encoding method used out- side North America.
set voip phone [ 0 1 ] codec G711U priority