set system password { admin user }
Specifies the administrator or user password for a Motorola Netopia® Gateway. When you enter the set system password command, you are prompted to enter the old pass- word (if any) and new password. You are prompted to repeat the new password to verify that you entered it correctly the first time. To prevent anyone from observing the password you enter, characters in the old and new passwords are not displayed as you type them. For security, you cannot use the “step” method to set the system password.
A password can be as many as 8 characters. Passwords are
Passwords go into effect immediately. You do not have to restart the Motorola Netopia® Gateway for the password to take effect. Assigning an administrator or user password to a Motorola Netopia® Gateway does not affect communications through the device.
set system heartbeat option { on off } protocol [ udp tcp ]
sleep (00:00:30:00)
contact-email ("string@domain_name") location ("string"):
The heartbeat setting is used in conjunction with the configuration server to broadcast con- tact and location information about your Gateway. You can specify the protocol, port,
•The interval setting specifies the broadcast update frequency. Part of sequence con- trol. The interval is the spacing between heartbeats, in d:h:m:s.
•The location setting is a text string allowing you to specify your geographical or other location, such as “Secaucus, NJ.”
•The number setting is part of the sequence control. This is the number of heartbeats to send, at each “interval”, before sleeping. For example, if this is 20, in the above lay-