and Telephone. An international organization responsible for developing telecommunication standards.
CD. Carrier Detect.
client. Network node that requests services from a server.
CPE. Customer Premises Equipment. Terminating equipment such as terminals, telephones and modems that connects a customer site to the telephone company network.
CO. Central Office. Typically a local telephone company facility responsible for connecting all lines in an area.
compression. Operation performed on a data set that reduces its size to improve storage or transmission rate.
crossover cable. Cable that lets you connect a port on one Ethernet hub to a port on another Ethernet hub. You can order an Ethernet crossover cable from Motorola Netopia®, if needed.
CSU/DSU. Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit. Device responsible for connecting a digital circuit, such as a T1 link, with a terminal or data communications device.
data bits. Number of bits used to make up a character.