Links Bar
•Subnet Mask: Specifies the subnet mask of the Router itself. Defaults to the common Class C subnet.
•DHCP Start Address: Specifies the first address in the DHCP address range. You can reserve a sequence of up to 253 IP addresses (including up to 64 IP addresses for wireless clients) within a subnet, beginning with the specified address, for dynamic assignment.
•DHCP End Address: Specifies the last address in the DHCP address range.
•DHCP Lease: Specifies the default length for DHCP leases issued by the Router. Enter lease time in dd:hh:mm:ss (days/hours/minutes/seconds) format.
•DHCP Server Enable: Uncheck this setting if you already have a DHCP server on your LAN. This enables the DHCP server in this Router.
Additional IP Subnets
The Additional IP Subnets screen allows you to configure up to seven secondary subnets and their DHCP ranges, by entering IP address/subnet mask pairs:
You need not use this screen if you have only a single Ethernet IP subnet.
This screen displays seven rows of editable columns. All seven row labels are always visi- ble, regardless of the number of subnets configured.
•To add an IP subnet, select one of the rows, and click the Edit button.