encapsulation. Technique used to enclose information format- ted for one protocol, such as AppleTalk, within a packet format- ted for a different protocol, such as TCP/IP.
Encrypt Protocol. Encryption protocol for the tunnel session.
Parameter values supported include NONE or ESP.
encryption. The application of a specific algorithm to a data set so that anyone without the encryption key cannot under- stand the information.
ESP. Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) header provides confidentiality, data origin authentication, connectionless integ- rity,
Ethernet crossover cable. See crossover cable.
FCS. Frame Check Sequence. Data included in frames for error control.
flow control. Technique using hardware circuits or control char- acters to regulate the transmission of data between a computer (or other DTE) and a modem (or other DCE). Typically, the modem has buffers to hold data; if the buffers approach capac-