F1 - HELP provides useful information about the currently displayed menu, screen, or field.
F2 - READ RADIO function reads the information (data) stored in the radio codeplug (EEPROM) and transfers it to the computer’s memory. The time required to READ a codeplug will depend directly on your computer type and the size of the codeplug you are reading. The status of the READ operation is displayed at the bottom of the screen. After completion of the read operation, data validation occurs. During this step, data merges, formats, and screen interdependencies are checked.
F3 - GET ARCHIVE function is used to retrieve an archive file from a diskette or hard disk to the computer. Once retrieved, the file may be modified via the CHANGE/VIEW functions or programmed into a radio just as codeplug information read from the radio via the F2 READ function.
F4 - MERGE TCMS is used to update the codeplug information with trunking information from the TCMS (Trunking Code Management System). The required changes must first be entered into the TCMS database through a TCMS terminal, then downloaded using a modem and the TCMS
F5 - CLONE RADIO is used to copy codeplug information from one radio to another radio. Only radios with the same model number may be cloned. The screen summarizes the individual ID information for both MDC and Trunking so that it can be changed from one convenient screen. Trunked radios may not be cloned unless System Keys have been loaded for each trunking system ID.
F7 - SAVE ARCHIVE function is used to create (or update) an archive copy of the codeplug information onto a diskette or hard disk. An archive copy of every radio installed or serviced is STRONGLY recommended in order to be able to quickly restore customer information is case of a codeplug failure.
F8 - PROGRAM RADIO function is used to transfer codeplug information from the computer to the radio codeplug. A radio and RIB must be properly connected to the computer and power turned on before you attempt the program function. After pressing the F8 function key, the programming of the codeplug commences, and data validation occurs. During this step, data ranges, formats, and screen interdependencies are checked.
The time required to PROGRAM a codeplug will depend directly on your computer type and the size of the codeplug you are programming. The status of the PROGRAM operation is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
F9 - VIEW HISTORY gives all the information about the last time the radio was programmed. This includes where and when the radio was programmed and if the programming was authorized.
If software versions of the radio and the current data are not compatible, then Read the radio codeplug and enter the data again. Conventional data can be entered from the RSS screens or cloned from another radio. Trunked data must be down loaded from the trunking code management system (TCMS) via a TCMS codeplug update.
F10 - EXIT moves the display backward in the RSS tree, one screen or menu at a time.
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