Chapter 1: Product Description and Specifications
The FF420 and FF820 are both housed in chassis of the same size and shape. Similarly, the FF120 and FF220 are both housed in a chassis of the same size and shape, a chassis smaller and differently shaped than that for the FF420/820.
The FaxFinder product consists of the hardware unit, server software
Prerequisite: Determining PBX Compatibility & Configuration
To operate the FF120/220/420/820 FaxFinder system in conjunction with a PBX (“Automated Routing Mode”), that PBX must be able to route incoming calls to many PBX extension numbers to a single PBX station port. This
If you are using the FF120/220/420/820 in conjunction with a PBX, be sure that the PBX has this multiple-
FaxFinder Admin User Guide | 5 |