Security 9-5
Access Privileges (Custom)
WAN Data Configuration: | No |
Connection Profile Configuration: | No |
Circuit (PVC/DLCI) Configuration: | No |
LAN Data Configuration: | Yes |
LAN Subnet Configuration: | Yes |
NAT/Filters Configuration: | Yes |
Preferences (Global) Configuration:Yes | |
Voice Configuration: | Yes |
You can toggle the default user privileges for each user. The defaults are set to minimize the possibility of an individual user inadvertently damaging the WAN connection. Exercise caution in assigning privileges other than these defaults to limited users.
Access Privilege | Default |
WAN Data Configuration | No |
Connection Profile Configuration | No |
Circuit (PVC/DLCI) Configuration | No |
LAN Data Configuration | Yes |
LAN Subnet Configuration | Yes |
NAT/Filters Configuration | Yes |
Preferences (Global) Configuration | Yes |