2-34 Firmware User Guide
needs to be done once. Avoid the temptation to enter all the same characters.
| Wireless LAN Configuration | |
Enable Wireless: | Yes | |
| 4405 2605 |
Channel... | 6 | |
Closed System... | Open | |
Enable WEP... | On - Manual | |
Default Key... | 1 | |
| ||
| ||
Key 40 | bit9a82ff3d92 |
Key 128 | bit2f5d42db7b734ff4e17b65881e | |
Key 256 | bitdb298860b6f380e6daec7dbfd4 |
Key | |
(Setting | one of the key sizes) |
Default Key (#1 – #4): Specifies which key the Router will use to encrypt transmitted traffic. The default is key #1.
Key (#1 – #4): The encryption keys. You enter keys using hexadecimal digits. For 40/64bit encryption, you need ten digits; 26 digits for 128bit, and 58 digits for 256bit WEP. Hexadecimal characters are 0 – 9, and a – f. The longer the key, the stronger the encryption and the more difficult it is to break the encryption.
40bit: 02468ACE02
128bit: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789
256bit: 592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F21A09C
Wireless MAC Authentication
Wireless MAC Authentication allows you to specify which client PCs are allowed to join the wireless LAN by specific hardware address. Once it is enabled, only entered MAC addresses that have been set to Allow will be accepted onto the wireless LAN. All unlisted addresses will be blocked, in addition to the listed addresses with Allow disabled.
To enable Wireless MAC Authentication, select Wireless MAC Authentication, and press Return.