Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers
Global Information Worksheet
This section contains the prompts and options for all AN/ANH or ARN router synchronous configurations.
Global Information Worksheet
Prompt | Options | Your Response | |
| |
Enter the module number | AN/ANH only: Because the AN/ANH is not a | Enter the number that | |
[1]: | link module, the router bypasses this step | corresponds to the | |
| and automatically accepts a default slot of 1. | module you want to use. | |
| ARN only: The script lists the modules that |
| |
| you can use to connect the router’s IP |
| |
| network interface to Site Manager. |
| |
| For example, the script might offer the |
| |
| following options: |
| |
| 1. | Ethernet on Base Module |
| 2. | Serial on Adapter Module 1 |
| 3. | Ethernet |
| |
Driver Type: | If there is only one interface on the module | Enter the number that | |
| you chose, the script automatically selects | corresponds to the driver | |
| the driver type for that interface and | for the module you | |
| bypasses this prompt. Otherwise, the script | selected. | |
| displays a menu of driver types. The actual |
| |
| menu depends on the modules you have | For serial interfaces and | |
| installed. | all WAN adapter modules, | |
| choose the synchronous |
| driver. |
| |
Enter connector number | If there is only one connector on the module | For information about the | |
[1]: | you chose, the script automatically assigns a | module locations and | |
| connector number and bypasses this prompt. | connector names, see | |
| Otherwise, the script lists the available | Tables | |
| connectors. For example, for an ARN with | Chapter 3. | |
| five serial connectors, the options are as |
| |
| follows: |
| |
| 1. | COM1 |
| 2. | COM2 |
| 3. | COM3 |
| 4. | COM4 |
| 5. | COM5 |