Understanding Tools and Options
Preparing for the Initial Startup
The first time you turn on an AN/ANH or ARN router, it begins a startup procedure to obtain the files it needs to operate routinely over the network. For the procedure to be successful, you must first complete the following tasks:
•Select the initial startup option (see the next section,“Selecting the Initial Startup Option”)
•Set up the network to support the startup option (see Chapter 3)
•For options other than
•Provide a tailored configuration file for the router (see “Providing a Tailored Configuration File” on page
•Coordinate the initial startup with a person at the router site
The person at the router site installs the hardware and cables, and then initiates the appropriate startup option. The router hardware installation guide explains these tasks in detail.
Note: As an alternative to another person performing the initial startup at the AN/ANH or ARN router site, you can perform these tasks using a modem connection.
Selecting the Initial Startup Option
By default, the