Configuring Remote Access for AN and Passport ARN Routers
Preparing Configuration and Image Files
AN/ANH and ARN routers ship with a flash memory card that contains a default (generic) configuration file and the an.exe or arn.exe router software image. For the AN/ANH and ARN routers in your network, you must create:
•A unique configuration file for each netbooting router
•A uniform software image for all netbooting routers
Creating Configuration Files
To prepare network configuration files:
1.Use the Configuration Manager in local mode to create a configuration file for each router.
For instructions, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager. Also, see the following:
Note: For ARN routers, you choose base, expansion, and adapter modules separately.
Site Manager identifies AN and ANH routers with module names that use mnemonic abbreviations for each of the router’s connectors. For example, the module name E/T/2S identifies an AN with one Ethernet, one token ring, and two serial interfaces. The module name 8ptEHub/3S/N11 DCM identifies an