Technical Support and Online Services
The message section is monitored by Bay Networks engineers, who provide assistance wherever possible. Customers and resellers holding Bay Networks service contracts also have access to special libraries for advanced levels of support documentation and software. To take advantage of CompuServe’s recently enhanced menu options, the Bay Networks Forum has been re-engineered to allow links to our Web sites and FTP sites.
We recommend the use of CompuServe Information Manager software to access these Bay Networks Information Services resources. To open an account and receive a local dial-up number in the United States, call CompuServe at 1-800-524-3388. Outside the United States, call 1-614-529-1349, or your nearest CompuServe office. Ask for Representative No. 591. When you are on line with your CompuServe account, you can reach us with the command GO BAYNET.
InfoFACTS is the Bay Networks free 24-hour fax-on-demand service. This automated system has libraries of technical and product documents designed to help you manage and troubleshoot your Bay Networks products. The system responds to a fax from the caller or to a third party within minutes of being accessed.
To use InfoFACTS in the United States or Canada, call toll-free 1-800- 786-3228. Outside North America, toll calls can be made to 1-408-764- 1002. In Europe, toll-free numbers are also available for contacting both InfoFACTS and CompuServe. Please check our Web page for the listing in your country.
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