LCD | Description | Corrective Action |
Code |
32 | Barcode module failure. The | Make sure the library and tape drives are not being used |
| barcode module is not func- | by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| tioning properly. | panel. |
| If the error persists, the barcode module may need to be |
| replaced. You may need to supply a diagnostic listing; |
| you may need new firmware. Contact your service pro- |
| vider. |
34 | RRC sensor failure. The | Open the door and remove the magazines. Look for any- |
| robot gripper sensor failed. | thing that might be obstructing the gripper or the robot’s |
| path along the reach axis. |
| Make sure the library and tape drives are not being used |
| by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| panel. |
| If there are no obstructions and the error persists, the |
| robot may need to be replaced. Contact your service |
| provider. |
35 | RRC communication fail- | Make sure the library and tape drives are not being used |
| ure. The library cannot com- | by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| municate with the robot | panel. |
| gripper command processor. | If the error persists, the robot may need to be replaced. |
| Contact your service provider. |
36 | RRC command reject. An | Make sure the library and tape drives are not being used |
| invalid command was sent to | by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| the robot command processor. | panel. |
| If the error persists, the robot may need to be replaced. |
| Contact your service provider. |
38 | Cannot load drive. The robot | Open the door and remove the magazines. Look for any- |
| cannot push the cartridge far | thing that might be obstructing the robot along its reach |
| enough to load it into the tape | axis. |
| drive. | Make sure the library and tape drive are not being used |
| by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| panel. |
| If the error persists, contact your service provider. |
39 | RRC Command Failure. | Make sure the library and tape drives are not being used |
| by any host, then reset the library from the operator |
| panel. |
| If the error persists, the robot may need to be replaced. |
| Contact your service provider. |
Appendix C Page 123