2.Press [ENTER]. The screen displays the library code version. Press the down arrow key twice until “System Statistics” displays, as shown below.
S y s t e m
S t a t i s t i c s
3. Press [ENTER]. The first statistic to display is Total Moves, as shown in the example below.
T o t a l M o v e s :
1 4 2 4 0 6
4.To display additional Statistics screens, press the down arrow. The following table describes the information in the Statistics screen.
Table 12. System Statistics Screens
System Statistic | Description(1) |
Total Moves | The number of times the robot has picked a cartridge |
| and placed it in a slot or the tape drive. |
Pick Retries | The number of times the robot retried picking a car- |
| tridge. |
Put Retries | The number of times the robot retried placing a car- |
| tridge. |
Rotate Retries | The number of times the robot retried rotating on the |
| wrist axis. |
PTE Retries | The number of times the robot performed a position to |
| element (PTE) retry. |
Powerup Count | The number of time the library has been power |
| cycled. |
(1)Cumulative over the life of the library.
Library Operation Page 71