2. Press [ENTER]. An informational message displays, then the following screen appears.
P a s s w o r d ? 0 0 0
←b →
3.Use the left and right arrow keys to move across the columns. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a number. When you have selected a password, press [ENTER]. A prompt similar to the one below appears.
P a s s w o r d : 0 0 0
A c c e p t ?
4.Press [ENTER] to accept the new password. The Security Screen then displays “LCD Password.” (Security remains in effect across resets.)
You must use the same password to turn security off.
Disabling Security from the LCD
1.Display the Security screen. If necessary, press [MENU] to display the menus (or return to the top of the menu selections). Press the down arrow key until “Security” is displayed on the screen, as shown below. If security is enabled, “LCD Password” displays on this screen.
Security may have been enabled by your application using a SCSI command (the LCD will display “SCSI”). If this is the case, security must be disabled by your application. Refer to your software documentation or to the Plasmon V15 SCSI Reference.
S e c u r i t y
L C D P a s s w o r d
2. Press [ENTER]. The following screen appears.
P a s s w o r d ? 0 0 0
←b →
3.Use the left and right arrow keys to move across the columns. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a number. Press [ENTER]. Security is then disabled.
Configuration Page 47