Before restarting, the library performs the following actions:
1.If the robot is moving a cartridge, it finishes the move. (This includes inserting the cartridge into the tape drive if the robot is moving a cartridge to the tape drive.)
If you attempt to open the door, the library does not release the door interlock until it the move completes.
2.The library performs a
3.If a cartridge is in the tape drive, the robot waits for the cartridge to eject, then returns it to its original slot.
Next Cartridge Option
The Next Cartridge option allows you to interrupt sequential processing and specify that the next cartridge the library selects is the cartridge in slot 1. If you want to resume sequential processing from the first cartridge, select Next Cartridge from the Sequential Mode menu.
Setting Sequential Options
To set sequential options:
1.If the security option is enabled, disable it.
2.Press [MENU] to display the menus, then press the down arrow until “Sequential Mode” displays. The Sequential Mode screen shows the current settings for the Loop option (L), the Restart option (R), and the Next Cartridge option (N).
S e q u e n t i a l M o d e
L 0 R 1 N 0
3.Press [ENTER]. The Loop Option screen appears. The screen shows whether the Loop option is on (1) or off (0).
L o o p O p t i o n :
4. Press [ENTER] again to display the screen for changing the Loop option.
L o o p
O p t i o n ? 0 ↑
5.Use the up or down arrow key to change the setting, then press [ENTER]. The Loop Option screen shows the new setting.
Library Operation Page 61