Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
•Current – A flow of a few mA is normal
If a battery does not reflect normal conditions and it is not currently under reconditioning, run the Recondition function before you replace the battery. During Reconditioning, the battery is fully discharged then fully recharged. During that time, the controller cache is reset to Write Thru. If the battery does not maintain normal values after a Recondition, replace the battery. See page 230 and page 233 for more information.
Battery Recondition
VTrak automatically reconditions the battery every two months. To set the recondition schedule, see “Scheduler” on page 72.
To recondition the battery do the following:
1.Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2.Click on the Enclosures icon.
3.Click on the Enclosure icon.
4.Click on the Battery tab in Management View.
5.From the Battery tab dropdown menu, select Recondition.
6.Click the Submit button.
During reconditioning, Battery status can show “discharging” and “recharging”, and a value will display next to Current. Reconditioning runs in the background and stops automatically upon completion.
Silence Buzzer
To silence the Buzzer for the current event only, do the following:
1.Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2.Click on the Enclosures icon.
3.Click on the Enclosure icon.
4.Click on the Buzzer tab in Management View.
5.From the Buzzer tab dropdown menu, select Settings.
6.Uncheck the Buzzer Sounding box.