Advanced Navigator Functions
4.To edit individual values, click on the cell you want to change. The value is highlighted. The definitions for the cell names are as follows:
Tws – True wind speed in knots
Bsp0° – Boat speed in knots at zero degrees (sailing directly into the wind)
TwaUp – True wind angle Upwind in degrees
BspUp – Boat speed Upwind in knots
Twa1 – True wind angle in degrees (first variable) Bsp1 – Boat speed in knots (first variable)
Twa2 – True wind angle in degrees (second variable) Bsp2 – Boat speed in knots (second variable) TwaDn – True wind angle Downwind in degrees BspDn – Boat speed Downwind in knots
Bsp180 – Boat speed in knots at 180 degrees (sailing directly with the wind)
5.Enter a new value, then click outside of the cell. The new value is then accepted. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each value you want to change.
6.If you simply want to view your data without saving it, skip to Step 7. Otherwise, when you have finished entering data, click Save to save under the current filename, or Save As if you want to create/name a new Polar Variables file.
7.Click Apply to use the new variables in the Polar plot, then click the Polar Plot tab to view the new data graph.