Working With Charts And Routes
6.In the Range field, type the range at which you want WP2 to remain relative from WP1. For example, if you enter 300 miles, WP2 will always remain at a range of 300 miles from WP1, no matter where WP1 is repositioned on the chart.
7.In the Bearing field, type the bearing at which you want WP2 to remain relative from WP1. For example, if you enter 90 degrees, WP2 will always remain at a bearing of 90 degrees from WP1, no matter where WP1 is repositioned on the chart.
8.Click OK to save your changes and close the Waypoint Properties dialog box.
To temporarily set one waypoint to specific coordinates:
2.Make sure that the Relative and Pinged boxes are checked.
3.Type the specific coordinates for WP2 into the Latitude and Longitude fields.
4.Click OK to close and save your settings. WP2 is then displayed at the new coordinates, while WP remains in its originally position. The previous relative settings for WP2 are stored by Navigator, so you can return the waypoint to its relative setting when needed..
To return a waypoint to its relative coordinates:
2.Click the Pinged box to uncheck it.
3.From the
4.Click OK close and return WP2 to its relative coordinates.