WARNING: This electronic chart is an aid to navigation designed to facilitate the use of authorized government charts, not to replace them. Only official government charts and notices to mariners contain all of the current information needed for the safety of navigation, and the captain is responsible for their prudent use.
The program and its charts do NOT excuse the user from carrying the required official charts and documents.
Raymarine, Inc., ("Raymarine") does not warrant that this Product is error free or that it is compatible with products manufactured by any person or entity other than Raymarine.
This Product utilizes digital chart data, and electronic information from the Global Positioning System ("GPS") and weather information which may contain errors. Raymarine does not warrant the accuracy of such information and you are advised that errors in such information may cause the product to malfunction or give incorrect readings. Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your use or inability to use the Product, by the interaction of the Product with products manufactured by others or by errors in chart data or information utilized by the Product provided by third parties.
Except for the limited warranty regarding the magnetic media contained in the license agreement accompanying the Product, this Product is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any others which may arise from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade.
WARNING: Nautical navigation is an inherently dangerous undertaking and should only be engaged in by persons trained and experienced in navigation. This Product is intended for use only by persons trained in nautical navigation and only as a navigational aid, not as the sole method of navigation.
NOTICE: You may not use this Product unless you agree to the terms of the license agreement. By pressing the button titled "I AGREE", you agree to be bound by the terms of the license agreement and to release and hold Raymarine harmless from and against any and all claims, obligations, and liabilities with respect to the Product, except those specifically reserved in the license agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement, press the button entitled "I DO NOT AGREE" and the program will exit. If you choose this option you may return the program within thirty (30) days of the date of purchase by following the instructions contained in the license agreement.
First Edition, February 2002 Document Number: 81207_1
Copyright ©, Raymarine, Inc., 2002 All Rights Reserved.
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