RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
Note: When using VRM/EBL, you may want to turn off the range rings to make the VRMs clearer. To do this, use the Color control in the Control Panel to change the color of the range rings to the same color as the background.
When a VRM/EBL pair is active, its bearing and range are displayed in its associated data box, which can be moved, deleted or reinstated. VRMs move if you change the range scale, so that the actual range you have marked is maintained. VRM/EBLs also move if you offset the center.
The bearing information is displayed as either the bearing relative to your vessels heading or (if heading data is available from a position fixer or compass) the actual bearing in degrees magnetic or degrees true. These are controlled by the setup parameters.
The VRM/EBL functions allow you to perform the following tasks:
∙Measure the range of a target or point from your vessel's position, using a VRM.
∙Measure the bearing of a target or point from your vessel's position, using an EBL.
Note: Range and bearing measurements are displayed in the Data box. You can determine the range and bearing by moving the