RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
Distance-behind-boat is displayed next to the vertical line, at the top of
the window. The VRM distance units correspond to the depth units
assigned in System Set Up as follows:
System Depth Unit VRM Distance Unit
Meters Meters
Feet Feet
Fathoms Fathoms
The distance-from-boat continues to update as your boat moves.
However, the vertical line does not scroll with the scrolling Fishfinder
image. If the display range changes, the VRM maintains the same
position and may, therefore, move out of the visible display area.
When you switch on the VRM, it is displayed at its last position
(unless off screen, then it is displayed on-screen).
If the Fishfinder is in split frequency display mode or a zoom window
is displayed with the scrolling Fishfinder image, then the VRM is
shown in both windows at the same position.
To use the VRM:
1. On the Pathfinder Panel, click VRM/EBL.
2. Click Show VRM/EBL to toggle the VRM On/Off.
When On, the VRM is displayed in its last-used
position, as a dashed-line crosshair.
3. Click Edit VRM/EBL. The crosshair becomes solid,
indicating that you can now move the VRM.
4. Move the cursor over the VRM, then click and hold the
right mouse button.
5. While continuing to press the mouse button, drag the
VRM to the desired location. The depth and distance-
from-boat are updated as you move the cursor.
6. Release the mouse button when ready, and the VRM
crosshair returns to a dashed-line.
7. Click Show VRM/EBL to toggle the VRM off.